How to find unit digit of a number raised to power
To understand the concept unit digit, try to understand the concept of cyclicity and the approach to find the unit digit of a number when the number is of the form .
Unit digit of
Now consider the following cases :
Case :1 When z= 0, 1, 6 or 5 , the unit digit of is=0,1, 5 or 6 respectively.
Example : (i)Find unit digit of
Sol. unit digit of = unit digit of
= 5 (
any power of 5 gives unit digit 5)
(ii) Find unit digit of
Sol. Unit digit of = unit digit of
So unit digit of will be equal to 6.
Case II: When z is equal 4 or 9.
Let us take power of 4 :
power of 9 :
We can easily see that cycle repeats after 2. So the cyclicity of 4 and 9 is 2. It also follows from the above pattern that when the power of 4 is odd , the unit digit of = 4 and when the power of 4 is even then unit digit of
= 6.
Similarly for 9 also , when power of 9 is odd , unit digit of =9 and when power of 9 is even , unit digit of
Example : Find the unit digit of .
Sol. Unit digit of = unit digit of
= 1 (
power of 9 is even)
Case 3: When z is 2, 3, 7 or 8.
Clearly cycle of 2,3,7 and 8 repeats after 4. So the cyclicity of 2,3,7 and 8 is 4.
When z = 2,3,4,7,8 and 9 , following table is useful in finding the last digit of .
value of z | then divide ‘n’ | If remainder is | then the last digit of |
4 and 9 | 1 | = unit digit of ( |
0 | = unit digit of ( |
2, 3, 7 and 8 | by 4 (cyclicity of 2 ,3,7 and 8 is 4) | 1 | =unit digit of ( |
2 | =unit digit of ( |
3 | =unit digit of ( |
0 | =unit digit of ( |
Problems based on unit digit of a number raised to some power
Example 1. Find the unit digit of .
Sol. The unit digit 287 is 7 so divide 562581 by 4 . On dividing 562581 by 4 we get remainder 1.
Thus the unit digit of = unit digit of
= unit digit of
= 7
Example 2. Find the unit digit of .
Sol. Unit digit of = unit digit of
= unit digit of =7 (
On dividing 263 by 4 we get remainder as 3)
Unit digit of = unit digit of
Therefore unit digit of = unit digit of (7 x 1) = 7. Ans. 7
Example 3 : Find unit digit of .
Sol . Unit digit of = unit digit of
= 1 (
power of 9 is even)
Unit digit of = unit digit of
= unit digit of
=7 ( when divided by 4 gives remainder 3)
Therefore unit digit of = 1-7 =-6 =-6+10=4 ( when unit digit comes negative then add 10)
Ans. 4
Example 4: Find unit digit of .
Sol. Since every n! where n >3 , is divisible by 4. So when 11! is divided by 4 gives remainder 0
Therefore unit digit of = unit digit of
= unit digit of 16 =6.
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